Forms GSA 1374 - 2631
The United States government uses a wide variety of Standard Forms (SFs) to manage its operations. The SFs listed below are just a small selection of the many forms used by the government.
Forms GSA 0010 - 1364
As a government agency responsible for managing federal property and resources, the General Services Administration (GSA) uses a variety of forms to track and manage its operations.
Forms SF 1094 - 13327
The United States government uses a variety of forms to manage its financial and logistical operations. This list includes a selection of Standard Forms (SF) used in these fields. These forms are used to collect important information related to taxes, transportation, payroll, and more.
Forms SF 0312 - 1081
The United States government uses a variety of forms to collect and manage information related to its programs and operations. This list includes a selection of Standard Forms (SF) used in the medical and property management fields.
Forms SF 0001 - 0311
In the United States, the government uses a variety of forms to collect information and manage its operations. These forms cover a wide range of topics, from personnel records to vehicle titles to employment data.
IRS Form 1099-NEC. Nonemployee Compensation
The IRS Form 1099-NEC is a tax form used to report nonemployee compensation paid to independent contractors, freelancers, and other self-employed individuals.
China Visa Application Form
The China Visa Application Form is a crucial document required to apply for a visa to enter China. This form consists of various sections that require personal, contact, and travel information.
China Travel Forms
Traveling to China and Hong Kong requires careful planning and preparation, including obtaining the necessary visas, permits, and other forms and paperwork.
IMM 5589. Document Checklist - Common-Law Partner (Including Dependent Children)
IMM 5589 is a document checklist used by individuals who are applying for a Common-Law Partner visa to Canada. The main purpose of this form is to ensure that all necessary documents are included in the application package to support the application for a Common-Law Partner visa.
Foreigner Physical Examination Form (China)
The Foreigner Physical Examination Form is a document required by the Chinese government for foreign nationals who plan to stay in China for an extended period, typically more than six months.