
Form SFN 16999. Complaint Against Contractor - North Dakota

Form SFN 16999. Complaint Against Contractor

The SFN 16999 Complaint Against Contractor form serves as a critical avenue for individuals to address grievances against licensed contractors in North Dakota. This document, provided by the Secretary of State, empowers individuals to formally submit verified complaints about contractors suspected of acts or omissions that violate established regulations. This detailed form facilitates the complaint process, ensuring transparency and accountability within the construction industry.

Form SFN 12011. Contractor License Renewal Application - North Dakota

SFN 12011. Contractor License Renewal Application

The SFN 12011 Contractor License Renewal Application is an essential document designed to facilitate the renewal process for contractors working in North Dakota. This form plays a crucial role in ensuring the continued compliance of contractors with licensing regulations and serves as a platform for updating information and verifying eligibility.

Form SFN 12012. Contractor License Application - North Dakota

Form SFN 12012. Contractor License Application

The SFN 12012 Contractor License Application is a pivotal form required for contractors aiming to work on projects exceeding $4,000.00 in cost, value, or price per job in North Dakota. This form serves as an essential application tool for obtaining a North Dakota Contractors License as mandated by North Dakota Century Code, Chapter 43-07-07.

Form DS-1884. Petition to Classify Special Immigrant under INA 203(b)(4) as an Employee or Former Employee of the U.S. Government Abroad

Form DS-1884. Petition to Classify Special Immigrant under INA 203(b)(4) as an Employee or Former Employee of the U.S. Government Abroad

Form DS-1884, or the Petition to Classify Special Immigrant under INA 203(b)(4) as an Employee or Former Employee of the U.S. Government Abroad, or the Surviving Spouse or Child of an Employee of the U.S. Government Abroad, is an official form created by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It is used as part of the immigration process for certain eligible individuals.


Verification of Enrollment and Attendance (VOE) form

Verification of Enrollment and Attendance (VOE) form

The Verification of Enrollment and Attendance (VOE) form is a document used in Texas to verify a student's enrollment and attendance in school. The main purpose of the form is to provide proof of a student's eligibility to receive a driver's license or permit.

The form consists of several parts, including the student's personal information, information about the school, and a section for the school to complete to verify the student's enrollment and attendance. Important fields to consider when writing the form include the student's name, date of birth, and school district.

Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Unemployment Insurance Benefits is a form that serves as an application for individuals seeking financial assistance after becoming unemployed. The primary purpose of this form is to determine an individual's eligibility for unemployment benefits and to calculate the amount of benefits they are entitled to receive.

The form consists of several sections, including personal information, employment history, and reasons for unemployment. Important fields that must be included in the form are the applicant's name, address, social security number, and the reason for unemployment.

Form TR-54. Vehicle Number and Equipment Inspection

Form TR-54. Vehicle Number and Equipment Inspection

Form TR-54, also known as the Vehicle Number and Equipment Inspection TR54, is a document used in the state of Michigan for the purpose of inspecting vehicles and their equipment. The form consists of two parts, Part A and Part B.

Part A of the form requires the input of information such as the make, model, and year of the vehicle, as well as the vehicle identification number (VIN) and license plate number. Part B of the form requires information about the inspection of the vehicle's equipment, including the brakes, steering, lights, and tires.


Form CD 415. Certificate of Termination

Form CD 415. Certificate of Termination

Form CD 415 is a Certificate of Termination issued by the Secretary of State for use in Georgia. The purpose of this form is to provide evidence that a business entity has been legally terminated or dissolved in the state of Georgia.

The form consists of several sections, including the name and type of the business entity, the date of termination, and the signature of an authorized representative. The important fields to consider when compiling the form include the legal name of the business entity, the date of termination, and the signature of an authorized representative.

Texas Secretary of State (SOS) Payment Form (807)

Texas Secretary of State (SOS)  Payment Form (807)

The Texas Payment Form (807) is a form used by the Texas Secretary of State (SOS) to record the payment of fees for various filings and services. The form consists of several parts, including the payment information section, which requires the payor's name, address, telephone number, email address, and payment amount.

The parties involved in this form are the payor and the Texas SOS. It is important to consider the specific instructions provided by the Texas SOS when compiling this form, as well as the payment deadlines and accepted payment methods.
