NYS DMV Form MV-35. Statement of Vehicle Owner Not Possessing a Valid Title
Form MV-35 is used to transfer a vehicle that is at least eight model years old and worth less than $1250 to a vehicle dismantler, itinerant vehicle collector, or certified scrap processor when the owner does not have the title.
NYS DMV Form MV-368. Study Guide for the Written Test for Driving School Instructor Applicants
Form MV-368 serves as a study guide for individuals who are applying to become certified driving school instructors in New York State.
NYS DMV Form MV-37. Statement of Abandoned Vehicle
Form MV-37 is used to transfer a vehicle that is at least ten model years old and worth less than $1250 from a property owner to a vehicle dismantler or itinerant vehicle collector when the vehicle has been abandoned for at least one month.
NYS DMV Form MV-372. Application for a License to Operate a Private Service Bureau or Open a Branch Office
Form MV-372 is used to apply for a license required by any person, firm, association, or corporation engaged in the business of assisting, for hire, in securing licenses to drive motor vehicles, registrations, or titles of motor vehicles.
NYS DMV Form MV-372R. Application for Private Service Bureau License Renewal
Form MV-372R is used by a Private Service Bureau to apply for the renewal of its PSB (Private Service Bureau) license. Private Service Bureaus that wish to continue operating must submit this renewal application to maintain their licensing status.
NYS DMV Form MV-3W.3. Registrant Certification of Heavyweight Vehicle
Form MV-3W.3 is required to be filed when registering trucks that weigh 44,801 pounds or more in the Agricultural, Commercial, Commercial Household Carrier, and Tractor registration classes. It serves as a certification by the registrant regarding the weight of the vehicle being registered.
NYS DMV Form MV-415. Request for the Development of Custom Plates
Form MV-415 is used in New York State to request the development of custom license plates. It serves as an information package and request form for individuals who wish to personalize their vehicle's license plates with a specific combination of letters, numbers, or symbols.
NYS DMV Form MV-44.5. Federal Requirements for Commercial Driver License (CDL) Applicants
Form MV-44.5 provides essential information for individuals applying for an original or renewal New York State commercial driver license (CDL). It outlines the federal requirements and regulations that must be met in order to obtain or maintain a CDL.
NYS DMV Form MV-440H. Historical License Plates
Form MV-440H provides instructions and includes a certification section for individuals applying to obtain historical license plates in the state of New York.
NYS DMV Form MV-440V. Vintage License Plates
Form MV-440V provides instructions and includes a certification section for individuals applying to obtain vintage license plates for a historical vehicle in the state of New York.