Oregon DMV Form 735-0501. Vehicle Bill of Sale

Oregon DMV Form 735-0501. Vehicle Bill of Sale

Oregon DMV Form 735-0501, the "Vehicle Bill of Sale," is a legal document provided by the Oregon Department of Transportation, Driver and Motor Vehicle Services. This form is used in the sale or transfer of a motor vehicle within the state of Oregon.


The purpose of this form is to record the sale or transfer of a motor vehicle in Oregon. It serves as a legally binding document that outlines the details of the transaction, including the identification of the vehicle, the parties involved (buyer and seller), and the date of the purchase.

Usage Case:

The Oregon DMV Form 735-0501 is typically used in the following circumstances:

  1. When an individual or business sells a motor vehicle in Oregon to another party.

  2. When ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred from the seller to the buyer.

  3. To meet legal and regulatory requirements for documenting vehicle sales and transfers.

  4. To notify the Oregon DMV of the sale or transfer within the required time frame.


The Vehicle Bill of Sale form is structured as follows:

  1. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DRIVER AND MOTOR VEHICLE SERVICES: This section provides the contact information of the Oregon DMV, including the address in Salem, Oregon.

  2. PLATE NUMBER, YEAR, MAKE: The form includes a section for the description of the vehicle, including its plate number, year, and make.

  3. VEHICLE DESCRIPTION: This section allows for a more detailed description of the vehicle.

  4. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: The unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the vehicle is entered, along with the Title Number.

  5. BUYER'S INFORMATION: This section is for the buyer's details, including their printed name (last, first, middle), the date of purchase, and the buyer's address.

  6. SELLER'S INFORMATION: The seller's details are provided here, including the seller's printed name and the seller's signature (if the seller is a business, the authorized representative must sign). The seller's address is also included.

  7. DATE OF RELEASE: Both the buyer and seller must sign and date this section to confirm the transfer of ownership.

  8. SELLER: The seller's responsibilities and the requirement to notify the DMV of the sale within ten days are outlined in this section.

  9. BUYER: The section informs the buyer of the importance of applying for a title within 30 days from the date of purchase to avoid late title transfer fees.

Additional Notes:

  • Use only blue or black ink to complete the form.
  • Do not use correction fluid or strike through any names.
  • The seller's signature must be original; photocopies are not acceptable.

This form is essential in documenting the transfer of a vehicle's ownership, ensuring that the Oregon DMV has accurate records of vehicle ownership, and meeting legal requirements for both buyers and sellers in the state of Oregon.
