OCFS-2133. Notification to OCFS of an Extended Length of Stay in a Residential RHY Program

OCFS-2133. Notification to OCFS of an Extended Length of Stay in a Residential RHY Program

Form OCFS-2133 is a notification form used by Residential Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) programs when requesting an extended length of stay. This form is submitted to the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) by the RHY program when a youth is expected to stay longer than the standard length of stay determined by OCFS.

This form is used by RHY programs and OCFS. The form is divided into 4 sections: Program Information, Youth Information, Requested Length of Stay, and Program Director Signature. The Program Information section of the form requires the program name, program license number, location, contact information, and the name and contact information of the program director. The Youth Information section includes fields for the youth’s name, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, race, and length of stay as of the date of the submission. The Requested Length of Stay section requires the program to enter the original length of stay, the date the youth is expected to leave the program, and the requested length of stay. The Program Director Signature section requires the signature and date of the program director.

An example of when this form would be used is when a youth is expected to stay in an RHY program longer than the standard length of stay determined by OCFS. The program would need to complete this form and submit it to OCFS to request an extension of the length of stay. This form is important as it allows the program to ask for permission to allow the youth to stay longer than the initial length of stay, which could be beneficial for the youth and the program.

In most cases, this form is the only document required when requesting an extended length of stay. However, additional documents may be required depending on the youth’s situation. Additionally, there are related forms available for similar transactions, such as the OCFS-2127 Request for Extension of Length of Stay in an RHY Program.