DA Form 4138-R. Monthly Authorization Control Record (LRA)

DA Form 4138-R. Monthly Authorization Control Record (LRA)

DA Form 4138-R is a record form used the Civilian Welfare Fund (CWF) to track and control monthly authorizations for loans. This form is utilized to maintain a record of monthly loan authorizations and includes important details such as the employee's name, loan amount, repayment terms, and any applicable interest rates.

The form consists of sections where the CWF can document the monthly loan authorizations granted to eligible civilian employees. It may include fields for employee identification, loan amount, start and end dates of the authorization period, repayment terms, and other relevant information related to loan authorizations.

It is essential to accurately fill out all required information on this form to ensure proper tracking and control of monthly loan authorizations. By maintaining accurate records, the CWF can effectively manage loan disbursements and monitor the repayment status of authorized loans.

Application Example: The CWF uses DA Form 4138-R to record and track monthly loan authorizations for eligible civilian employees. This form helps the CWF maintain accurate records of loan authorizations and ensures compliance with loan policies and procedures.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to DA Form 4138-R, as it specifically addresses monthly loan authorization control the context of the Civilian Welfare Fund. However, other forms related to loan applications, loan contracts, or financial record-keeping may exist, depending on the specific requirements or regulations of the organization or institution.