Announcement of Change of Address
An announcement of change of address is a form that is used to inform individuals and organizations of a change of address. This form typically consists of a letter or postcard that includes information such as the old and new address, the date of the move, and any other relevant details.
Termination Letters
Termination letters are an essential component of any business or personal agreement. It is a written document that informs an individual or an organization that their services or contract will be terminated.
Job Description Form
Describe important and essential functions and associated tasks the position performs. Essential functions are related to the job’s direct contributions to the work unit’s product(s). Please note the approximate percentage of time spent on each function over a year cycle.
Resignation Letter
A resignation letter is a formal document that an employee submits to their employer to notify them of their intention to resign from their position. It is an important document that serves as a record of the employee's decision to leave the company.
Guaranty is the assumption of responsibility for payment of a debt or performance of some obligation if the liable party fails to perform to expectations.
Prenuptial Agreement
A Prenuptial Agreement is a contract entered into between two people who are about to marry. It sets out how assets will be distributed in the event of divorce or death.
Premarital Agreement
Premarital Agreement is binding legal contract between you and the one you intend to marry.
Proforma Invoice
A Proforma invoice is an invoice provided by a supplier in advance of providing the goods or service. A quotation in the form of an invoice prepared by the seller that details items which would appear on a commercial invoice if an order results.
Living Will Form
A living will form, is a legal document that goes into effect while you are still alive. It declares that you do not want to be kept alive by artificial life support systems.
Commercial Invoice
A Commercial Invoice is a document used in international trade that provides essential information about the goods being shipped. It contains a full description of the products, their value, and any other pertinent details needed to clear customs.