Form DMV 279. Transportation Network Companies - A Guide for Law Enforcement in Virginia
Form DMV 279. Transportation Network Companies - A Guide for Law Enforcement in Virginia: This publication provides an overview of Virginia's transportation network company law for law enforcement officers.
Form DMV 278. Transportation Network Companies - A Guide for TNC Drivers in Virginia
Form DMV 278. Transportation Network Companies - A Guide for TNC Drivers in Virginia: This publication describes guidelines for transportation network company drivers operating in Virginia.
Form DMV 277. Transportation Network Companies - A Guide to Operating in Virginia
Form DMV 277. Transportation Network Companies - A Guide to Operating in Virginia: This publication is a guide for transportation network companies interested in operating in Virginia or licensed to operate in Virginia.
Form DMV 276. Converting a Manufactured Home to Real Property - Virginia
Form DMV 276. Converting a Manufactured Home to Real Property: This publication provides the information needed to convert manufactured homes to real property and to sever/detach manufactured homes from real property.
Form DMV 274. Buyer Beware - Virginia
Form DMV 274. Buyer Beware: This publication provides guidelines for purchasing a vehicle online. The form aims to inform prospective vehicle buyers about the potential risks and precautions to consider when purchasing a vehicle through online platforms or digital marketplaces.
Form DMV 273. Internal Audit - Virginia
Form DMV 273. Internal Audit: This publication describes the function of Internal Audit. The form serves to provide insights into the role and responsibilities of the Internal Audit department within the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.
Form DMV 272. Moving Truck Flyer - Virginia
Form DMV 272. Moving Truck Flyer: Information about hiring properly licensed moving companies. This publication serves to provide individuals planning to move with valuable information about the importance of hiring licensed and reputable moving companies.
Form DMV 270. Red Flags of Medically At-Risk Drivers (Red Card) - Virginia
Form DMV 270. Red Flags of Medically At-Risk Drivers (Red Card): This publication describes the red flags used by law enforcement to identify medically at-risk drivers.
Form DMV 280. Your Odometer: The Key to Your Car's Value - Virginia
Form DMV 280. Your Odometer: The Key to Your Car's Value: The purpose of this brochure is to educate customers on the importance of accurate odometer readings. It should be given to customers when an odometer discrepancy has been detected.
Form DMV 281. Emergency Contact Brochure - Virginia
Form DMV 281. Emergency Contact Brochure: Virginia's Emergency Contact Program gives law enforcement a way to notify your family or friends in the event of an emergency.