NYS DMV Form MV-58A. Certificate of Employment

NYS DMV Form MV-58A. Certificate of Employment

Form MV-58A is a document issued by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that is used to certify the employment of a junior driver. It is completed by the employer of a junior driver and serves as proof of employment when the junior driver is permitted to drive to and from work without a parent, guardian, driver education teacher, or driving school instructor present.

The form includes sections where the employer can provide information about the junior driver's employment, including the employer's name, address, and contact details. The form also includes a statement certifying that the junior driver is employed by the employer and has permission to drive to and from work.

Upon completion, the junior driver carries the form in their vehicle as proof of employment when driving to and from work alone. This form helps ensure compliance with the Graduated License Law (Junior Drivers) in New York State, which sets specific restrictions and requirements for junior drivers.

It is important for the employer to accurately and truthfully complete the form, providing the necessary information to certify the employment of the junior driver. This form helps junior drivers comply with the regulations and demonstrate their authorized driving privileges while commuting to and from work.