Form VTR-901-A. Annual Purchaser's Certification of Export-Only Sale - Texas

Form VTR-901-A. Annual Purchaser's Certification of Export-Only Sale - Texas

The Form VTR-901-A is an annual certification form used in Texas for ongoing export-only sales of motor vehicles. This form allows purchasers who have previously submitted Form VTR-901 to reaffirm their commitment to the export-only conditions on an annual basis.

This form typically consists of sections where important information needs to be provided. These may include the purchaser's name, address, dealership information (if applicable), and a declaration that all previously purchased vehicles are still intended for export and have not been registered or operated on public roads within Texas.

When completing this form, it is crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date information. The purchaser should carefully review their records and ensure ongoing compliance with the export-only requirements. The completed form should be signed by the purchaser and retained for recordkeeping purposes.

No additional documents are typically required to be attached to this form. However, it is essential to maintain appropriate records and documentation related to the export transactions as per regulatory requirements.

An example use case for Form VTR-901-A would be when a purchaser who previously submitted Form VTR-901 continues to engage in export-only sales of vehicles in Texas. By submitting this annual certification form, they affirm their ongoing commitment to exporting vehicles and their compliance with the export-only conditions.

A related alternative form is Form VTR-901, which is the initial purchaser's certification of export-only sale. This form is used for the first-time certification of a vehicle being sold for export. The main difference between Form VTR-901-A and Form VTR-901 is that the former is an annual reaffirmation, while the latter is the initial declaration of intent to export.