Form DMV 270. Red Flags of Medically At-Risk Drivers (Red Card) - Virginia

Form DMV 270. Red Flags of Medically At-Risk Drivers (Red Card) - Virginia

Form DMV 270. Red Flags of Medically At-Risk Drivers (Red Card): This publication describes the red flags used by law enforcement to identify medically at-risk drivers. The form aims to provide law enforcement officers with guidelines for recognizing signs of medically impaired driving and taking appropriate actions to ensure road safety.

The parties involved in using this form are law enforcement officers, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, and relevant medical and safety authorities. The form sections consist of detailed explanations of the red flags or indicators that may suggest a driver's medical impairment and the steps law enforcement can take to address potential risks.

Important fields in this form include descriptions of the red flags or warning signs, procedures for initiating a driver evaluation, and guidelines for interacting with medically at-risk drivers. Accurate completion of the form is not applicable, as it is a brochure intended for information dissemination.

An example scenario where this form would be used is when a law enforcement officer observes a driver exhibiting behaviors or signs that may indicate a medical impairment. By referring to Form DMV 270, they can identify the red flags described in the publication and take appropriate actions, such as requesting a driver evaluation or providing assistance to ensure the driver's safety and that of others on the road. The benefits of using this form include improved road safety, early detection of potential risks, and appropriate interventions for medically at-risk drivers.

No additional documents are required to use this form, as it is a brochure designed for information purposes. As for alternatives or related forms, there may be other resources or training materials available for law enforcement officers to identify and handle medically at-risk drivers.