Form VS 6. Application for Certification of a Vital Record - Virginia

Form VS 6. Application for Certification of a Vital Record - Virginia

Form VS 6 - Application for Certification of a Vital Record enables individuals to request certified copies of vital records such as birth, death, marriage, or divorce certificates from the Division of Vital Records at the Virginia Department of Health.

The parties involved in this form are the individuals seeking certified copies of vital records and the Division of Vital Records at the Virginia Department of Health. The form consists of sections where the requester needs to provide essential information, such as the type of vital record requested, the full name of the person on the record, date of the event, and any supporting documentation required to validate the request.

Important fields in this form include accurate details about the individual whose record is being requested and any additional information required by the Division of Vital Records. It is essential to provide precise and complete information to ensure the correct record is retrieved and certified.

An example scenario where this form would be used is when a person needs to obtain a certified copy of their birth certificate for passport application purposes. By completing Form VS 6 and providing the necessary details, they can request the vital record from the Division of Vital Records, which will then issue them an official, certified copy.

Additional documents needed to fill and complete this form may include proof of identification, proof of relationship to the person on the vital record, and any supporting documentation required based on the specific type of vital record requested. Related forms or alternatives may include similar application forms for vital records from other states' health departments, but the specific requirements and procedures may vary.