DA Form 7455. Financial Summary

DA Form 7455. Financial Summary

DA Form 7455 - Financial Summary is used to provide a concise overview of financial activities within the U.S. Army. It aids in presenting key financial information for decision-making, reporting, and analysis.

The form consists of sections where financial summaries, account balances, income, expenses, and other financial data are recorded. It might include sections for highlighting financial trends and variations.

Important fields in this form include financial summaries, income, expenses, and account balances. Accurate completion is important for presenting accurate and up-to-date financial information for informed decision-making.

Application Example: A finance officer prepares a financial summary report for a military division's quarterly review. The officer completes the form, compiling essential financial data, including revenues, expenditures, and account balances. The summary aids division leaders in understanding the financial health of the unit.