PA DOT Form DL-128A DS. School Bus Substance Use Form

PA DOT Form DL-128A DS. School Bus Substance Use Form

Form DL-128A DS is a specific form used for documenting substance use incidents involving school bus drivers. This form is designed to gather information related to any substance use or impairment that may affect the driver's ability to safely operate a school bus.

The form consists of sections where relevant details can be provided, such as the date and time of the incident, driver identification information, description of the substance used, witness statements (if applicable), and any actions taken by authorities or supervisors. It aims to ensure a comprehensive record of substance use incidents involving school bus drivers.

Users, including school administrators, transportation departments, or law enforcement agencies, would utilize this form when there is an occurrence or suspicion of a school bus driver using substances that could impair their ability to drive safely. Accurate and detailed completion of this form is crucial for investigating incidents, taking appropriate actions, and ensuring the safety of students and other road users.

Related Forms: Depending on the jurisdiction or organization, there may be additional forms related to substance use reporting or investigations in the school transportation context. It's important to consult local regulations or guidelines to identify any other relevant forms or procedures.