OCFS-5007. Program Annual Assessment

OCFS-5007. Program Annual Assessment

Form OCFS-5007 is a Program Annual Assessment used by child welfare agencies to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of child welfare programs funded by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).

The form consists of sections where agencies provide information about program objectives, activities, outcomes, challenges, and improvements. The assessment helps OCFS determine the impact and success of the funded programs and make informed decisions for future funding.

Important fields in this form include program achievements, challenges faced, and plans for improvement. Accurate and comprehensive completion is vital to ensure an accurate representation of program effectiveness and areas for enhancement.

Application Example: A child welfare agency that operates a mentoring program for at-risk youth fills out this form to assess the program's success in improving participants' educational performance and overall well-being. The assessment informs OCFS about the program's impact.

No additional documents are mentioned, but related forms could involve documentation supporting program outcomes or additional data to validate the assessment.