OCFS-4930. Request for NYS Fingerprinting Services

OCFS-4930. Request for NYS Fingerprinting Services

The OCFS-4930 form is a request for NYS fingerprinting services that is used to obtain background checks of individuals related to child care facilities in New York State. The primary purpose of this form is to ensure the safety and well-being of children by conducting thorough criminal background checks on individuals who work or volunteer at child care facilities.

The form consists of several important fields, including personal information such as name, social security number, date of birth, and contact information. Additionally, the form requires information about the applicant's employment or volunteer status, such as the name and address of the child care facility, position, and start date.

It is important to note that both the applicant and the child care facility are parties involved in this request for fingerprinting services. The applicant must complete the form and undergo the fingerprinting process, while the child care facility is responsible for ensuring that all employees and volunteers have undergone the necessary background checks.

By submitting the OCFS-4930 form and undergoing fingerprinting services, individuals seeking employment or volunteer opportunities at child care facilities can provide assurance to parents and guardians that their children are in safe hands.
