DA Form 4881-5. Agreement for the Lease of Us Army Materiel

DA Form 4881-5. Agreement for the Lease of Us Army Materiel

Form DA 4881-5 is an Agreement for the Lease of US Army Materiel used to document the terms and conditions of a lease agreement for US Army materiel (equipment, vehicles, etc.) that is being provided to other parties. This form is used when the US Army agrees to lease its materiel to external entities or organizations for specific purposes.

The form consists of sections where the specific details of the lease agreement are recorded. It includes information about the parties involved in the lease, the type and quantity of materiel being leased, the duration of the lease, and any special conditions or restrictions on the use of the materiel. Additionally, the form includes provisions for addressing responsibilities related to maintenance, repair, and liability during the lease period.

Important fields in this form include accurate documentation of the lease agreement details, a clear description of the materiel being leased, and proper recording of the responsibilities and liabilities of both parties involved in the lease. Accurate completion of this form is crucial to ensure that the lease of Army materiel is conducted in accordance with the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

Application Example: The US Army agrees to lease a fleet of vehicles to a humanitarian organization for disaster relief operations in a specific region. Form DA 4881-5 is used to document the lease agreement, including the quantity and type of vehicles being leased, the duration of the lease, and the responsibilities of both the US Army and the humanitarian organization during the lease period. By doing so, the US Army ensures that its materiel is put to use for a specific purpose while maintaining accountability and control over its assets.

Individuals filling out this form should consider any specific instructions or guidelines provided by the Army's regulations and policies regarding the lease of Army materiel to external parties.

Related Forms: Form DA 4881-5 is specific to the lease of US Army materiel. However, there may be other types of lease agreement forms used for different purposes, such as equipment leases in the civilian sector.