OCFS-3913. Residents Special Needs Expenditure Log

OCFS-3913. Residents Special Needs Expenditure Log

Form OCFS-3913, the Residents Special Needs Expenditure Log, is a document used to itemize the expenses related to the special needs of a resident in a New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) licensed residential care facility.

This form is completed by the residential care facility and must be signed by the facility's Program Director or designee. This form is forwarded to the local OCFS office for review and approval of the expenditures.

The Residents Special Needs Expenditure Log form contains several sections that detail the residential care facility's special needs expenditure plans. The form begins with general information, such as the facility's name, the resident's name, and the current fiscal year. It then includes a breakdown of the facility's anticipated special needs expenditures for the current fiscal year. This includes a list of all special needs items, their estimated costs, and the amount of each item that is expected to be used.

In addition, the form contains a section for the facility to provide a detailed description of the special needs item or service being purchased. This section should be used to provide a clear explanation of how the item or service will be used and how it will benefit the resident. The form also includes a section to attach any additional documents that may be needed to complete the request, such as invoices or receipts. Finally, the form includes an area for the Program Director or designee to sign off on the request.

The Residents Special Needs Expenditure Log is used when a residential care facility wishes to purchase items or services that are not typically covered by the facility's regular budget. It is important that the form is completed accurately and completely in order for the request to be approved. If the form is incomplete or inaccurate, the approval process may be delayed or denied.

In order to complete the Residents Special Needs Expenditure Log form, a residential care facility must provide detailed information about the special needs item or service being purchased, a breakdown of the estimated costs, and any additional documentation that may be needed to complete the request. Additionally, the Program Director or designee must sign off on the request in order for it to be approved. This form can be used to purchase items or services that may benefit a resident in a residential care facility in a variety of ways.

No additional documents are required for this form, but there may be other forms or documents related to the purchase of special needs items or services that may need to be completed. Additionally, there may be alternative forms or procedures for similar purchases, such as through the purchase of goods and services from a vendor.