OCFS-2211 . Raising the Lower Age of Juvenile Delinquency Differential Response for Chulder Under 12 Years of Age 2022 Annual Plan

OCFS-2211 . Raising the Lower Age of Juvenile Delinquency Differential Response for Chulder Under 12 Years of Age 2022 Annual Plan

Form OCFS-2211 is a form used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to raise the lower age of juvenile delinquency differential response for children under 12 years of age for the 2022 Annual Plan.

This form is used by OCFS to create a plan to raise the lower age of juvenile delinquency differential response to 12, in order to better serve children in the juvenile justice system. It is also used by OCFS to provide information for the 2022 Annual Plan.

The form consists of several sections, including a section for the agency's name and contact information, a summary of the proposed plan, an explanation of the need for the plan, and a section for the plan's specific goals. There are also sections for the expected outcomes of the plan, the resources and personnel required to implement the plan, and the timeline for implementation. In addition, there is a section for the signature of the person responsible for submitting the plan.

Important fields in this form include the agency's name and contact information, the proposed plan's summary and specific goals, the expected outcomes of the plan, the resources required to implement the plan, and the timeline for implementation. It is important to accurately complete these fields in order to ensure that the plan is properly understood by OCFS.

This form may be used in a variety of situations, such as when an agency is proposing a plan to raise the lower age of juvenile delinquency differential response to 12 years of age. The purpose of using this form is to ensure that OCFS has the information needed to review, approve, and implement the plan.

Additional documents may be needed to complete this form, such as a budget or financial plan. There may also be related forms or alternatives used for similar purposes, such as the OCFS-2212 form, which is used to review and evaluate a plan for juvenile delinquency differential response.