DD Form 1714. Product Verification Record

DD Form 1714. Product Verification Record

DD Form 1714 - Product Verification Record is used to document the verification and acceptance of products or materials received by the Department of Defense.

The form consists of sections where the receiving authority records details such as the product's identification, quantity received, inspection results, and any discrepancies noted. The form may also include sections for signatures, certifications, and additional remarks.

When completing DD Form 1714, it's important to accurately document the verification process, including any defects or discrepancies observed during inspection. The form helps ensure that only acceptable products are incorporated into the Department of Defense's supply chain.

Application Example: A shipment of military uniforms arrives at a distribution center. The staff uses DD Form 1714 to verify the quantity and quality of the uniforms. Any defects are documented, and the form provides a record of the inspection process.

No additional documents are typically required for filling out DD Form 1714. An alternative form could be DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, used for documenting the inspection and acceptance of supplies and services.