DA Form 5701-47. Ch-47 Performance Planning Card

DA Form 5701-47. Ch-47 Performance Planning Card

DA Form 5701-47 is the Ch-47 Performance Planning Card, a crucial tool for aviation personnel operating CH-47 helicopters within the Department of the Army. It's designed to facilitate safe and efficient flight planning and execution for CH-47 helicopter missions.

The form consists of sections where flight information is recorded, including mission type, weather conditions, fuel calculations, cargo/passenger details, and communication frequencies. It also includes sections for weight and balance calculations, performance data, and emergency procedures specific to the CH-47 helicopter model.

Important fields in this form include weight and balance information, fuel calculations, and performance data. Accurate completion of the form is essential for flight safety and optimal utilization of the helicopter's capabilities.

Application Example: A flight crew prepares for a cargo transport mission using a CH-47 helicopter. They use DA Form 5701-47 to input information about the cargo's weight, anticipated weather conditions, and mission objectives. The form guides them in calculating fuel needs, ensuring weight distribution is within limits, and having emergency procedures readily available.

No additional documents are typically required to complete this form.

Related Form: DA Form 5701-50 - Ch-47 Load Manifest. This form is used to document the loading of passengers, cargo, and equipment onto a CH-47 helicopter for a specific mission.