DA Form 5560-1. Designated Smoking Area

DA Form 5560-1. Designated Smoking Area

DA Form 5560-1, titled Designated Smoking Area, is used to designate specific areas where smoking is allowed within a facility or installation. This form serves as a notice to inform individuals about the locations where smoking is permitted.

The form consists of sections indicating the facility's name or designation and the designated smoking areas. It may include a map or description of the locations where smoking is allowed, along with any relevant instructions or regulations.

Key fields in this form include the facility name and the designated smoking areas. Accurate completion of this form is essential to clearly mark areas where smoking is allowed, helping individuals adhere to smoking policies.

Application Example: A military base implementing a designated smoking policy would use DA Form 5560-1 to mark specific smoking areas. By accurately completing the form and posting notices in designated areas, the base ensures compliance with smoking regulations.

No additional documents are explicitly mentioned as required for filling this form.

Related Form: No directly related forms were mentioned for this specific purpose.