Form FMS 210. Vehicle Registration Refund, Application for - Virginia

Form FMS 210. Vehicle Registration Refund, Application for - Virginia

Form FMS 210. Vehicle Registration Refund, Application for is used by vehicle owners in Virginia to request a refund of the DMV registration fee when vehicle tags are returned to DMV before expiration and with at least 6 months remaining on the registration.

The parties involved in this form are the vehicle owner requesting the refund and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The form sections consist of fields where the vehicle owner provides personal information, vehicle details, and reasons for requesting the refund.

Important fields in this form include the vehicle owner's name, address, driver's license number, and vehicle identification number (VIN). The form may also require details about the reason for returning the vehicle tags before expiration.

An example scenario where this form would be used is when a vehicle owner sells their vehicle before the registration period expires or decides not to use the vehicle for an extended period. By using this form, the owner can apply for a refund of the remaining registration fee.

When completing this form, the vehicle owner should ensure that all required information is accurately provided, and any supporting documents, such as the returned tags, are included. This will facilitate a smooth refund process.

No related or alternative forms are mentioned specifically for this purpose, as it appears to be a unique form tailored for vehicle registration refunds in Virginia.