Form SSA-1945. Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security

Form SSA-1945. Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security

Form SSA-1945, the Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security, is used to report employment in positions not covered by Social Security. The primary purpose of this form is to provide information about employment that may affect the receipt of Social Security benefits, such as government pensions or other non-covered employment.

For instance, when someone works in a job not covered by Social Security and wants to report this employment to the SSA, they would use this form. The purpose is to ensure that the SSA has accurate information about their employment history, which may impact benefit calculations.

The parties involved are individuals who have employment not covered by Social Security and the SSA. The form consists of sections for the individual's information, details about the non-covered employment, and any related government pension information. Accurate reporting is important to ensure proper benefit calculations.