DA Form 5072. Emergency Action Statement

DA Form 5072. Emergency Action Statement

Form DA 5072 is an Emergency Action Statement. This form is used to provide essential information about an individual's emergency action plan. The purpose of this form is to ensure that individuals have a clear and concise plan in place for responding to emergencies effectively.

The form consists of sections where the individual provides information about emergency contacts, medical conditions, allergies, and specific instructions for emergency responders. The form may also include sections for documenting any updates or changes to the emergency action plan.

Important fields in this form include accurate and up-to-date information about emergency contacts and medical conditions. Having a well-documented emergency action plan is crucial in case of accidents, medical emergencies, or natural disasters.

Application Example: A soldier prepares an emergency action plan that includes contact information for family members, medical conditions, and instructions on managing an allergic reaction. The soldier uses Form DA 5072 to document this plan and ensures it is easily accessible in case of emergencies.

Related Forms: There may be other forms used to document emergency action plans for specific situations or scenarios.