DA Form 3984. Dental Treatment Plan

DA Form 3984. Dental Treatment Plan

DA Form 3984, Dental Treatment Plan, is a document used by the Department of the to outline and authorize dental treatment for military personnel. The form captures important information about the patient's dental condition, proposed treatment, and any associated costs.

The form consists of sections where the dentist provides information about the patient's dental condition, diagnosis, proposed treatment, and estimated costs. It may also include sections for the patient's consent and acknowledgment of the treatment plan.

Important fields in this form include the patient's personal information, dental condition, proposed treatment, estimated costs, and the dentist's signature. It is crucial to accurately fill out all required information to ensure proper authorization and documentation of the dental treatment plan.

Application Examples and Use Cases: form is used when planning and authorizing dental treatment for military personnel. It helps ensure that the patient receives the necessary dental care and allows for proper tracking and documentation of the treatment provided.

Related Forms and Differences: There may not be direct alternatives to DA Form 3984, as it specifically addresses dental treatment planning within the Army. However, other dental forms related to specific procedures or treatments may exist, depending on the dental care provided.