AETC Form 77. Airman Leader Application/Certification
The Form AETC 77 - Airman Leader Application/Certification plays a pivotal role in the process of identifying and certifying Airman Leader candidates. This form serves as an essential instrument for assessing, documenting, and endorsing candidates who are deemed qualified to take on the role of Airman Leaders in a military context. The form captures critical information about the applicant, application approval, course details, evaluations, appointments, promotions, removals, and more.
Key Sections and Fields
PART A - Airman Leader Applicant:
- NAME: The applicant's full name (Last, First, Middle Initial).
- GRADE: The applicant's military rank.
- DATE: Date of the application.
- FLIGHT SHIFT: The shift the applicant is assigned to.
- AFSC: The Air Force Specialty Code of the applicant.
- EST. GRADUATION DATE: Estimated graduation date from the Airman Leader Course.
- REASON FOR APPLICATION: The reason for the applicant's interest in becoming an Airman Leader.
PART B - Application Approval:
- Approval-related information including grade average, A/L (Airman Leader) Guide number, date, and whether the applicant is recommended or not recommended.
- Review information conducted by the CTF (Cadet Training Flight).
PART C - Airman Leader Course:
- Details about the Airman Leader Course including A/L Instructor (MTL), class number, start date, and start time.
- A section to record demerits and elimination for each day of the course.
PART D - Airman Leader Appointment/Promotion:
- Date of appointment for different rope colors: Green, Yellow, and Red.
- Evaluation grade average and date for Open Ranks evaluation.
- Whether the candidate passed the evaluation.
PART E - Airman Leader Removal:
- Date and reason for removal.
PART F - Drill and Open Ranks:
- A detailed evaluation checklist for drill performance, open ranks evaluation, and more.
- Evaluation criteria with legends such as IC (Improper Command), NA (Not Accomplished), RP (Requires Practice), WF (Wrong Foot), OS (Out of Step), SAT (Satisfactory), etc.
PART G - Voice Characteristics:
- Evaluation of voice characteristics including loudness, distinctness, inflection, snap, and projection.
PART H - Additional Requirements:
- Assessment of additional requirements such as road guard procedures, eyes right/ready front, and other requirements.
Prescribed by: AETCI36-2651:
- Indicates the authority under which the form is prescribed.
Purpose: The Form AETC77 - Airman Leader Application/Certification acts as a comprehensive tool to evaluate and certify Airman Leader candidates. It assists in the selection process, tracks the candidate's progress through the Airman Leader Course, and documents evaluations, appointments, promotions, and other pertinent details. The form ensures that candidates meet the required standards and possess the necessary attributes to effectively fulfill their role as Airman Leaders within the military organization.