PA DOT Form DL-8611. Request for Organ Donor Designation on Pennsylvania Driver's License or Photo ID

PA DOT Form DL-8611. Request for Organ Donor Designation on Pennsylvania Driver's License or Photo ID

Form DL-8611 is a request form used to designate organ donor status on a Pennsylvania driver's license or photo identification (ID) card. This form allows individuals to indicate their intent to become an organ donor and have the organ donor symbol printed on their driver's license or photo ID.

The form consists of sections where the applicant can provide their personal information, including their name, address, date of birth, and driver's license number or photo ID card number. The applicant must also indicate their consent to become an organ donor and specify any limitations or preferences regarding organ donation.

Important fields in this form include the applicant's personal information, consent for organ donation, and any additional specifications or preferences related to organ donation. It is crucial to accurately fill out all required information and clearly express the intent to become an organ donor to ensure the proper designation on the driver's license or photo ID.

Application Example: Individuals who wish to become organ donors and have their organ donor status reflected on their Pennsylvania driver's license or photo ID can use this form to make a request. The form should be completed with accurate and complete personal information and a clear expression of the intent to become an organ donor. This form is useful for promoting organ donation and ensuring that individuals' wishes regarding organ donation are honored.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form DL-8611 as it specifically addresses the request for organ donor designation on a Pennsylvania driver's license or photo ID. However, other forms related to organ donor registration, medical directives, or advanced healthcare planning may exist, depending on the specific jurisdiction or purpose.