AF Form 3588 - Quarterly Check It Out Checklist for Nonappropriated Fund (LRA)

AF Form 3588 - Quarterly Check It Out Checklist for Nonappropriated Fund (LRA)

AF Form 3588 - Quarterly Check It Out Checklist for Nonappropriated Fund (LRA) serves as a checklist for quarterly financial audits and reconciliation of nonappropriated funds (NAF) accounts within the Air Force.

This form includes sections for documenting financial transactions, reconciling accounts, and verifying compliance with financial regulations. It is used to ensure the accuracy and accountability of NAF funds.

An example scenario for using AF Form 3588 is when financial personnel in the Air Force conduct quarterly audits and checks of NAF accounts, such as those used for recreational activities or morale programs. This form helps maintain financial transparency and accountability for NAF funds.
