
Vehicle Services Division Letter

Received a letter from the Vehicle Services Division? Confused about its authenticity? Let's delve deeper into what you need to know about these letters.

What Are Vehicle Services Division Letters?

Vehicle Services Division letters typically fall into one of these categories:

  1. Warranty Expiry: They may state that your vehicle's warranty is about to expire, creating a sense of urgency.

Form OS-55. Notice of Seizure of Motor Vehicle

Form OS-55. Notice of Seizure of Motor Vehicle

The OS-55 form, known as the "Notice of Seizure of Motor Vehicle," is an essential document issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). This form serves a specific purpose related to the seizure of motor vehicles in New Jersey.

The OS-55 form is primarily used by law enforcement agencies or authorized personnel to notify vehicle owners about the seizure of their motor vehicle. It is an important tool to inform individuals of the legal action taken and provide them with relevant details regarding the seizure process.

Form VTR-122. Rights of Survivorship Ownership Agreement for a Motor Vehicle

Form VTR-122. Rights of Survivorship Ownership Agreement for a Motor Vehicle

The VTR-122 form, also known as the Rights of Survivorship Ownership Agreement for a Motor Vehicle, is a legal document used by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. The main purpose of this form is to establish ownership rights and designate beneficiaries in the event of the death of one of the registered owners of a motor vehicle.

Form ITD 3368. Idaho Limited Power of Attorney For Specific Motor Vehicle/Vessel

Form ITD 3368. Idaho Limited Power of Attorney For Specific Motor Vehicle/Vessel

The Idaho Limited Power of Attorney For Specific Motor Vehicle/Vessel form, also known as ITD 3368, is an important legal document used by individuals who want to appoint an agent to handle certain motor vehicle or vessel-related tasks on their behalf. This form is specifically designed for Idaho residents and is not valid for odometer disclosures for on-highway motor vehicles newer than 2010.

Form MVR-614. Proof of Military/Dependent or Principally Garaged Vehicle

Form MVR-614. Proof of Military/Dependent or Principally Garaged Vehicle

The MVR-614 form is an affidavit of intent to title a military or dependent vehicle in North Carolina. This form is required from non-residents who want to register their vehicle in the state. It consists of several important fields to be filled out, including personal information of the owner and details about the vehicle. The parties involved in this form are the non-resident owner and the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles.