SCDMV Form FR-003C. Application for South Carolina Political Subdivision Self-Insurer

SCDMV Form FR-003C. Application for South Carolina Political Subdivision Self-Insurer

Form FR-003C is specifically designed for political subdivisions in South Carolina that want to become self-insured for their motor vehicle liability claims. A political subdivision can include counties, municipalities, school districts, or other government entities.

SCDMV Form FR-202. Release of Financial Responsibility for a Collision

SCDMV Form FR-202. Release of Financial Responsibility for a Collision

This form is used to release the financial responsibility of an individual involved in a collision. It is typically used when the individual involved in the collision has provided proof of financial responsibility, such as insurance coverage.

SCDMV Form FR-202A. Release of Financial Responsibility on Behalf of a Minor for a Collision

SCDMV Form FR-202A. Release of Financial Responsibility on Behalf of a Minor for a Collision

This form is similar to the FR-202 form but is specifically designed for releasing financial responsibility on behalf of a minor for a collision.

SCDMV Form FR-229. Financial Responsiblity Agreement and Release

SCDMV Form FR-229. Financial Responsiblity Agreement and Release

This form is used to establish a financial responsibility agreement and release between two parties involved in a collision. It is typically used when both parties agree to release each other from any financial responsibility for damages or injuries related to the collision.

SCDMV Form FR-230. Financial Responsibility Installment Agreement

SCDMV Form FR-230. Financial Responsibility Installment Agreement

The SCDMV Form FR-230, also known as the Financial Responsibility Installment Agreement, is used by individuals who are unable to pay their financial responsibility fees in a lump sum and wish to enter into an installment payment plan with the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV).

SCDMV Form FR-27. Statement for Return of Security Deposit

SCDMV Form FR-27. Statement for Return of Security Deposit

The SCDMV Form FR-27, also known as the Statement for Return of Security Deposit, is used by individuals who have paid a security deposit for a leased vehicle and wish to request the return of that deposit.

SCDMV Form FR-28. Statement for Restoration of Privileges

SCDMV Form FR-28. Statement for Restoration of Privileges

The SCDMV Form FR-28, also known as the Statement for Restoration of Privileges, is used by individuals who have had their driving privileges suspended or revoked and wish to request the restoration of those privileges.

SCDMV Form FR-290. Uninsured Motorist Enforcement Fund

SCDMV Form FR-290. Uninsured Motorist Enforcement Fund

The SCDMV Form FR-290 is used to apply for reimbursement from the Uninsured Motorist Enforcement Fund. This fund provides compensation for damages caused by uninsured or underinsured motorists.

SCDMV Form FR-309. Traffic Collision Report

SCDMV Form FR-309. Traffic Collision Report

The SCDMV Form FR-309 is used to report a traffic collision to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. This form is required by law when a collision results in property damage of $1,000 or more, bodily injury, or death.