DA Form 3126-1. Application and Contract for Establishment of a National Defense Cadet Corps Unit
Form DA 3126-1 is an application and contract form used to establish a National Defense Cadet Corps (NDCC) unit. The NDCC is a program similar to the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) but is typically offered in private schools or institutions.
DA Form 3136. Roster and Statement
Form DA 3136 is a document used to create a roster and statement of personnel within a military unit or organization. This form helps in maintaining an organized record of individuals assigned to specific positions or duties.
DA Form 3137. Abstract of Enlisted and Organizational Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Form DA 3137 is a document used to summarize and record laundry and dry cleaning services provided to enlisted personnel and units within the military. This form helps in tracking and managing laundry and dry cleaning operations.
DA Form 3161-1. Request for Issue and Turn-in (Continuation Sheet)
Form DA 3161-1 is a continuation sheet used in conjunction with Form DA 3161, which is the Request for Issue and Turn-in form. The DA 3161-1 provides additional space to list items being requested or turned in when the space on the original DA 3161 form is insufficient.
DA Form 3164-R. Swimming Pool Operating Log (LRA)
Form DA 3164-R is a log used to record the operation and maintenance activities of a swimming pool within the U.S. Army. This form helps in ensuring the safe and proper functioning of the swimming pool facility.
DA Form 3169. Report of Judicial Disciplinary Activity in the Army
Form DA 3169 is a report form used to document judicial disciplinary activity within the U.S. Army. This form helps in recording and tracking disciplinary actions taken against Army personnel for violations of military regulations or laws.
DA Form 3180. Personnel Screening and Evaluation Record
Form DA 3180 is a record form used to document the screening and evaluation of personnel within the U.S. Army. This form helps in assessing an individual's, skills, performance, and suitability for specific assignments or positions.
DA Form 3180-3. Chemical and Biological Personnel Reliability Program (Prp) Status Report
Form DA 3180-3 is a report form used to document the status of personnel enrolled in the Chemical and Biological Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) within the U.S. Army.
DA Form 3234-1. Monthly Inventory Recap Sheet for Da Form 3234
Form DA 3234-1 is a recap sheet used to summarize and reconcile monthly inventory records documented on DA Form 3234. This form helps in providing an overview of inventory levels and changes over time.
DA Form 3238. Request for Copyright Clearance on Musical or Dramatic Works
Form DA 3238 is a request form used to seek copyright clearance for the use of musical or dramatic works within the U.S. Army. This form helps in obtaining legal permission to use copyrighted materials for specific purposes.