DD Form 1081. Statement of Agent Officer's Account
DD Form 1081 - Statement of Agent Officer's Account is used to document financial transactions and accounts managed by agent officers on behalf of service members. It provides a record of transactions made on the service members' behalf.
The form consists of sections where agent officers record details of financial transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and any discrepancies. It also includes sections for verification and certification of the statement.
Important fields in this form include details of financial transactions, account balances, and any discrepancies noted by the agent officer. Accurate and thorough documentation is important to maintain financial transparency and accountability.
Application Example: Agent officers who manage financial transactions for service members, such as handling pay and allowances, use DD Form 1081 to document the transactions and provide a clear record of financial activities.
Related Form: DD Form 2656 is a related form used for documenting the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) election and beneficiary information.
Alternative Form: Depending on the context and specific financial management needs, other financial reporting forms and systems may be used by agent officers.