DA Form 7698. Unit Mail Room (UMR), Consolidated Mail Room (CMR), and Postal Service Center (PSC) Inspection Checklist

DA Form 7698. Unit Mail Room (UMR), Consolidated Mail Room (CMR), and Postal Service Center (PSC) Inspection Checklist

DA Form 7698 - Unit Mail Room (UMR), Consolidated Mail Room (CMR), and Postal Service Center (PSC) Inspection Checklist is utilized to inspect and assess the operations of mail rooms and postal service centers.

The form comprises sections for inspection details, observations, corrective actions, and approvals. It might also involve sections for classification and authentication.

Key fields in this form involve inspection details, observations, corrective actions, and approvals. Accurate completion is crucial for identifying and addressing issues related to mail room and postal center operations.

Application Example: Personnel responsible for overseeing mail room and postal service center operations use the form to conduct inspections and assessments. The form aids in identifying areas of improvement and ensuring compliance with postal regulations. Proper completion of the form supports efficient and effective mail room operations.