SF 87. Fingerprint Chart

SF 87. Fingerprint Chart

The SF 87 Fingerprint Chart is a form used by law enforcement agencies to collect and record the fingerprints of individuals who have been arrested or detained. The form consists of several sections, including personal information, physical characteristics, and fingerprint records. 

Some of the important fields on the form include the individual's name, date of birth, social security number, and physical characteristics such as height, weight, and eye color. The fingerprint records section of the form includes spaces for recording fingerprints from all ten fingers, as well as spaces for recording palm prints, scars, and other identifying marks. 

The parties involved in the compilation of the form include the individual being fingerprinted, as well as law enforcement officers or other authorized personnel who are responsible for collecting and recording the fingerprints. It is important to consider the accuracy and completeness of the fingerprints when compiling the form, as incomplete or inaccurate fingerprints may lead to identification errors or other problems.

When compiling the form, the individual being fingerprinted will need to provide personal information and submit to having their fingerprints taken. Additionally, law enforcement officers may require additional documentation or identification from the individual being fingerprinted.

Application examples and use cases for the SF 87 Fingerprint Chart include criminal investigations, background checks, and employment screenings. The benefits of the form include providing a reliable and standardized method for collecting and recording fingerprints, which can help to identify individuals and solve crimes. However, challenges and risks associated with the form include the possibility of errors or inaccuracies in the fingerprints, as well as concerns about privacy and data security.

Related forms and alternatives to the SF 87 Fingerprint Chart include other fingerprinting forms used by law enforcement agencies, as well as biometric identification technologies such as facial recognition and iris scanning. The differences between these forms and technologies may include the level of accuracy, the cost, and the ease of use.

The SF 87 Fingerprint Chart can have a significant impact on the future of the individuals being fingerprinted, as their fingerprints may be used to identify them in future criminal investigations or employment screenings. The form is typically submitted to law enforcement agencies or other authorized personnel, and is stored in a secure database or file system.
