PA DMV Form MV-516. Listing of Emission Inspection Mechanics Per Station

PA DMV Form MV-516. Listing of Emission Inspection Mechanics Per Station

Form MV-516 is a form used by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to keep a listing of emission inspection mechanics per station. It is used to organize and track the mechanics who are authorized to perform vehicle emission inspections.

The form consists of sections where the mechanic's information is recorded, including their name, identification number, and contact details. There may also be additional sections for recording the station's information and any updates or changes to the mechanics' status.

Important fields in this form include the mechanic's identification number, as this serves as their unique identifier in the system. Accurate completion of the form is essential to ensure that only authorized mechanics are performing emission inspections, ensuring the safety and compliance of the inspection process.

Application Example: An auto repair shop in Pennsylvania needs to add a new mechanic to their staff who will be responsible for conducting vehicle emission inspections. They would use Form MV-516 to submit the new mechanic's information to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The form should be completed accurately, including all necessary contact information, to ensure that the mechanic is properly registered and authorized to perform emission inspections.

Related Forms: There may not be any directly related forms for this specific purpose, as Form MV-516 is designed specifically for tracking emission inspection mechanics per station. However, other forms related to vehicle registration and inspection may be required depending on the circumstances.