LDSS-4623C-2. Adoption Subsidy and Non-Recurring Adotion Expenses Agreement - Upgrade or Substantive Amendment

LDSS-4623C-2. Adoption Subsidy and Non-Recurring Adotion Expenses Agreement - Upgrade or Substantive Amendment

Form LDSS-4623C-2. Adoption Subsidy and Non-Recurring Adoption Expenses Agreement is utilized by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to establish a contract between the adoptive parents and the agency regarding the adoption subsidy benefits and the payment of certain non-recurring adoption expenses.

The form consists of the parties involved, including the adoptive parents, the agency, and the birth parents or prospective adoptive parents, and other important information, such as the adoptive child's name, social security number, date of birth, and other details. It also includes fields for the amount of the subsidy payment, the purpose of the subsidy, and the name of the agency representative who approved the agreement. Additionally, the form includes a section for the adoptive parent to sign and date, and a section for the agency representative to sign and date. The form also includes a section for the adoptive parents to list any non-recurring adoption expenses to be paid by the agency.

The form is important for accurately calculating and tracking adoption subsidy benefits and non-recurring adoption expenses, and for establishing a contract between the adoptive parents and the agency regarding these benefits and expenses. It is important for adoptive parents to provide accurate and complete information in order to ensure accurate calculation and payment of benefits and expenses.

The form is used in situations where adoptive parents are seeking adoption subsidy benefits and non-recurring adoption expenses from the agency. The purpose of the form is to provide a contract between the adoptive parents and the agency regarding the payment of adoption subsidy benefits and the payment of non-recurring adoption expenses. The form is also used to track the amount of adoption subsidy benefits and non-recurring adoption expenses paid by the agency to the adoptive parents.

There are other related forms, such as the LDSS-4623C-1, which is used to request adoption subsidy benefits, and the LDSS-4623C-3, which is used to terminate an adoption subsidy agreement. It is important to read all of the instructions and guidelines for filling out the form and to ensure that all of the required information is provided in order to receive the adoption subsidy benefits and non-recurring adoption expenses.