DA Form 3238. Request for Copyright Clearance on Musical or Dramatic Works
Form DA 3238 is a request form used to seek copyright clearance for the use of musical or dramatic works within the U.S. Army. This form helps in obtaining legal permission to use copyrighted materials for specific purposes.
The form typically includes sections where information about the requested work, such as its title, author, publisher, and intended use, can be recorded. It may also include fields for documenting any additional remarks or details related to the copyright clearance request.
Accurate and complete information on this form is crucial for ensuring compliance with copyright laws and obtaining the necessary permissions for using copyrighted materials.
Application Example: Military units or organizations seeking to use copyrighted musical or dramatic works in performances, events, or publications use Form DA 3238 to request copyright clearance. This form is completed by personnel responsible for copyright compliance or event planning, and it helps in obtaining legal permission to use copyrighted materials.
Related Forms: Depending on the specific requirements or processes of copyright clearance, there may be other related forms used in conjunction with Form DA 3238, such as licensing agreements, royalty payment forms, or documentation of public domain status.