OCFS-2201. Domestic Violence Release of Information

OCFS-2201. Domestic Violence Release of Information

Form OCFS-2201, Domestic Violence Release of Information is a form used to facilitate the sharing of information between different parties related to domestic violence cases. The form is issued by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).

This form is used by the parties involved in the case, such as the complainant, the respondent, the child, and other family members. It is also used by the agency providing services to the parties involved. The form consists of two parts. The first part includes the name and contact information of the parties involved. The second part of the form contains a statement authorizing the release of information related to the case. The form also includes a signature line for the parties involved in the case.

Important fields in this form include the names of the parties involved, the contact information of the parties, the statement authorizing the release of information, and the signature lines. It is important to ensure that all the fields are accurately filled out, as incorrect information can result in incorrect release of information. It is also important to review the statement authorizing the release of information carefully, as it outlines the scope of the information that can be released.

An example scenario where this form would be used is if a complainant and respondent are involved in a domestic violence case. The complainant and respondent would need to sign the form in order for the agency providing services to release information related to the case. The benefits of using this form include ensuring that the release of information is accurate and within the scope of the authorization.

In addition to the OCFS-2201, Domestic Violence Release of Information form, there are other related documents that may need to be completed, such as a complaint form and an affidavit. Other related forms may also exist for similar transactions or purposes, such as an authorization for release of information form. However, the OCFS-2201 form is specific to domestic violence cases and should be used for that purpose.