DA Form 5616-R. Car Inspector`s Train Report (LRA)

DA Form 5616-R. Car Inspector`s Train Report (LRA)

DA Form 5616-R serves as a report completed by a car inspector to document details about a train inspection.

The form consists of sections where information about the train inspection, including date, train details, defects found, and corrective actions taken, is entered. It provides a comprehensive account of the inspection process and outcomes.

Important fields in this form encompass inspection date, train number, car details, identified defects, and actions taken. Accurate completion of this report is crucial for maintaining records of train inspections, identifying potential issues, and ensuring safety and compliance.

Application Example: After conducting a thorough train inspection, a car inspector completes DA Form 5616-R. By accurately documenting defects and actions taken, the form aids in tracking maintenance efforts, ensuring train safety, and initiating prompt repairs.