NYS DMV Form MV-198C. Request for Copy of an Accident Report

NYS DMV Form MV-198C. Request for Copy of an Accident Report

The NYS DMV Form MV-198C is used to request a copy of a motor vehicle accident report that has been filed with the DMV by the police or a motorist. This form is essential for individuals who need access to the details and documentation related to a specific accident.

When completing this form, it is crucial to provide as much information as possible about the accident. This includes the date, location, and parties involved in the accident. It is necessary to fill out a separate form for each accident if you need reports for multiple incidents.

In addition to the paper form, the DMV website also offers an online transaction option for ordering and accessing accident reports. This provides a convenient alternative for individuals who prefer to submit the request digitally.

An example scenario where this form would be used is when an individual needs to obtain a copy of an accident report for insurance purposes or legal proceedings. Having access to this information can help facilitate the resolution of claims and provide evidence in case of disputes.

It is worth noting that there may be other related forms or alternatives available depending on the specific circumstances or requirements, such as forms for requesting accident reports from law enforcement agencies directly.