Form LIC 9223. Child Care Advocate Program - California

Form LIC 9223. Child Care Advocate Program - California

Form LIC 9223 is used in California for individuals or organizations interested in participating in the Child Care Advocate Program. This program allows advocates to assist families in navigating the child care system and accessing available resources. This form is completed by individuals or organizations seeking to become certified Child Care Advocates.

The form consists of sections that require personal information, background check authorization, and an agreement to comply with program requirements. Important fields include the individual's full name, contact information, consent for a background check, and a declaration of commitment to advocate for families and support the child care system. It is important to accurately provide all necessary information and demonstrate a genuine interest in advocating for families and improving access to quality child care.

An application example of this form would involve an individual or organization completing Form LIC 9223 to apply for certification as a Child Care Advocate. They would provide their personal information, consent for a background check, and sign the agreement to abide by program requirements. By successfully submitting this form and meeting eligibility criteria, individuals or organizations can become certified Child Care Advocates and play a vital role in supporting families and child care services within their communities.