DD Form 2338-1. Inventory Control Effectiveness (Ice) Report Ammunition

DD Form 2338-1. Inventory Control Effectiveness (Ice) Report Ammunition

DD Form 2338-1 - Inventory Control Effectiveness (Ice) Report Ammunition is used to assess the inventory control effectiveness of ammunition storage areas within the Department of Defense.

The form consists of sections for entering the ammunition storage area's information, inventory control assessment data, deficiencies or discrepancies found, and corrective actions taken. It also includes a section for comments and recommendations.

Instructions for filling out DD Form 2338-1 involve accurate entry of the storage area's details, clear assessment of inventory control practices, and thorough documentation of deficiencies and corrective actions. Comments and recommendations provide insight for improvements.

Application Example: A military installation needs to assess the effectiveness of its ammunition storage area's inventory control practices. DD Form 2338-1 is used to document the assessment findings, deficiencies, and recommended improvements.

No additional documents are typically required for completing DD Form 2338-1. An alternative form could be specific internal inventory assessment reports.