DD Form 1654. Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors

DD Form 1654. Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors

DD Form 1654 - Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors is a document used within the Department of Defense to assess various transportation cost factors for goods and services.

The form consists of sections where the requester provides details about the transportation requirements, including the origin and destination points, mode of transportation, and specific cost elements such as fuel, labor, and maintenance. The form may also include sections for justifying the necessity of transportation and providing additional comments.

Instructions for filling out DD Form 1654 include providing accurate information about the transportation requirements, clearly explaining the need for transportation, and providing a breakdown of the anticipated costs. The requester must also consider the availability of alternative transportation options and their associated costs.

Application Example: A military unit needs to transport equipment and supplies from one base to another. By filling out DD Form 1654, they can evaluate different transportation options such as using military vehicles, commercial carriers, or air transportation. This helps in making an informed decision about the most cost-effective and efficient mode of transportation.

Additional documents needed for filling out DD Form 1654 may include transportation quotes, cost estimates, and any relevant contractual agreements. An alternative form could be SF 1164, Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business, which is used for requesting reimbursement for various expenses including transportation costs.