DD Form 1209. Liquid- and Plastic-Limits Determination

DD Form 1209. Liquid- and Plastic-Limits Determination

DD Form 1209 - Liquid- and Plastic-Limits Determination is used to document the liquid limit and plastic limit of soil samples. These limits help characterize the plasticity and behavior of soils.

The form consists of sections where users can record information about the soil sample, the number of blows required, and the moisture content at various stages of testing. It also includes spaces for calculating the liquid and plastic limits.

Important fields in this form include the number of blows, moisture content, and calculated liquid and plastic limits. Accurate data collection is essential for reliable liquid and plastic limit determination.

Application Example: Geotechnical engineers and soil scientists use DD Form 1209 to determine the liquid and plastic limits of soil, aiding in soil classification and assessment of its engineering properties.

Related Form: DD Form 1205 is related, as it involves soil testing and properties.

Alternative Form: ASTM D4318 is a standard test method used for determining the liquid limit and plastic limit of soils.