DA Form 7822. Rifle and Carbine Validation Scorecard

DA Form 7822. Rifle and Carbine Validation Scorecard

DA Form 7822, the Rifle and Carbine Validation Scorecard, is an official document used by the U.S. Army to record and evaluate the performance of personnel during rifle and carbine validation exercises. This form is crucial for assessing marksmanship skills and ensuring that soldiers meet the required standards in firing various weapons under different conditions.

Key Elements of DA Form 7822:

  1. Header Information:
    • HITDA FORM 7822, JUL 2019: Indicates the form number and the most recent revision date.
    • 250300150 L200 L200 R150 R100 L100 C100 R50: Provides reference values for different target distances (in meters) and scoring criteria.
    • PHASE 1 PRONE UNSUPPORTED 60 SECONDS: Describes the conditions and time limit for Phase 1.
    • STAGE I, SLOW FIRER: Specifies the stage type and pace.
  2. Validation Information:
    • DATE (YYYYMMDD): The date of the validation exercise.
    • NAME (LAST, FIRST, MI): The name of the individual undergoing validation.
    • RANK: The rank of the individual.
    • DOD ID No.: The Department of Defense Identification Number of the individual.
    • EQUIPMENT: Information about the weapon used.
    • LANE/FIRING ORDER: Details about the specific lane or firing order.
    • TABLE NUMBER VALIDATION: Indicates the relevant table for the validation.
  3. Scoring and Remarks:
    • REMARKS: Space for any additional comments or remarks regarding the individual's performance.
    • FAILURE TO ACHIEVE A GO ON BOTH STAGES EQUALS FAILURE TO VALIDATE: A clear statement of the consequences for failing to meet the validation criteria.
  4. Phases and Stages:
    • Detailed information on the four phases of the validation exercise, including conditions, time limits, and firing stages (Slow Fire, Rapid Fire, Kneeling Supported, Standing Supported).
    • Indications for GO, NO GO, or requirements for a minimum number of hits at specified distances and target sizes.
  5. Certification:
    • CERTIFYING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE (COMMANDER): A space for the commanding officer to sign, confirming the validation results.
    • RANGE OIC PRINTED NAME AND RANK: Printed name and rank of the Range Officer in Charge (OIC).
    • RANGE OIC SIGNATURE: The Range OIC's signature.
  6. Rating and Legend:
    • RATING: Space for recording the overall rating, indicating whether the individual passed or failed the validation.
    • LEGEND: Explanation of key abbreviations used on the form, such as DOD ID No., OIC, RND (round), and m (meters).

Purpose of DA Form 7822: DA Form 7822 serves as an official record of an individual's performance during rifle and carbine validation exercises. It helps assess and document marksmanship skills, ensuring that soldiers meet the necessary standards for using these weapons effectively. The form is used to evaluate and certify an individual's readiness and proficiency in handling rifles and carbines as required by the U.S. Army. Successful completion of validation exercises is essential for maintaining readiness and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of Army personnel.
