DA Form 591F-R. ECP Student Supplemental Service Agreement (Post-Graduate Delay) (LRA)

DA Form 591f-R. Ecp Student Supplemental Service Agreement (Post-Graduate Delay) (LRA)

DA Form 591F-R is the ECP Student Supplemental Service Agreement (Post-Graduate Delay) and is primarily used within Land Rehabilitation and Development (LRD) projects of the Department of the Army.

The form is intended for participants in the Engineer College Program (ECP) who are applying for a post-graduate delay from entering active duty for educational purposes. The form includes sections for the individual's personal information, educational institution details, and agreement terms. It requires the individual's signature, the signature of the educational institution's official, and an authorized representative's signature.

Important fields in this form encompass personal information, educational plans, agreement terms, and authorized signatures. Accurate completion of the form is essential for participants in the ECP program who are seeking educational delays from entering active duty.

Application Example: An ECP participant is accepted into a master's degree program and seeks a delay from entering active duty to complete their education. The participant completes DA Form 591F-R to apply for a post-graduate delay and provide details about their educational plans.

No additional documents are typically required when completing this form.

Related Form: DD Form 4 - Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States. This form is used for the enlistment or reenlistment of individuals in the Armed Forces.