Form SSA-1724-F4. Claim for Amounts due in case of a Deceased Beneficiary

Form SSA-1724-F4. Claim for Amounts due in case of a Deceased Beneficiary

Form SSA-1724-F4, the Claim for Amounts due in case of a Deceased Beneficiary, is used to claim Social Security benefits that are due to a deceased beneficiary. The primary purpose of this form is to enable surviving family members, such as spouses or children, to claim benefits owed to a deceased Social Security beneficiary.

For instance, when a beneficiary passes away and their surviving spouse or dependent children are eligible for survivor benefits, they would use this form to claim the benefits that were due to the deceased beneficiary. The purpose is to ensure that entitled family members receive the benefits owed to the deceased beneficiary.

The parties involved are surviving family members and the SSA. The form consists of sections for the claimant's information, details about the deceased beneficiary, and documentation to support the claim. Timely and accurate submission is important to ensure that eligible family members receive the benefits due to them.
