DA Form 5832-R. Packaged Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants Submission Log (LRA)

DA Form 5832-R. Packaged Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants Submission Log (LRA)

DA Form 5832-R, titled Packaged Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants Submission Log, is primarily used within Land Rehabilitation and Development (LRD) projects of the Department of the Army. It functions as a submission log for packaged petroleum, oils, and lubricants.

The form includes sections where details about submitted packages of petroleum, oils, and lubricants are recorded. It requires the signature of authorized personnel responsible for managing these resources. The form may also include sections for tracking package contents and quantities.

Key fields in this form encompass package details, submission records, and authorized signatures. Accurate completion of the form is vital for managing the distribution and usage of packaged petroleum, oils, and lubricants.

Application Example: A military depot receives a shipment of packaged lubricants. The depot's logistics officer uses DA Form 5832-R to log the submission of the packages, record the quantities, and track the distribution of lubricants to various units.

No additional documents are typically required when completing this form.

Related Form: DA Form 2062 - Hand Receipt/Annex Number. This form is used to document the receipt and issue of equipment and supplies, including packaged petroleum, oils, and lubricants.