DA Form 5761-3-R. Family Child Care (Fcc) Risk Assessment Tool Report (LRA)

DA Form 5761-3-R. Family Child Care (Fcc) Risk Assessment Tool Report (LRA)

DA Form 5761-3-R is the Family Child Care (FCC) Risk Assessment Tool Report, primarily used within Land Rehabilitation and Development (LRD) projects of the Department of the Army. This form serves as a comprehensive report summarizing the results of risk assessments conducted for Family Child Care (FCC) homes.

The form consists of sections where assessors record their observations and evaluations of the FCC home's compliance with safety and health regulations. The report provides a detailed overview of areas where the home meets the standards and areas needing improvement. The form may also include sections for additional comments and recommendations.

Important fields in this form encompass assessment results, observations, and recommendations for improvement. Accurate completion of the form is crucial for assessing the suitability of the FCC home for child care services and ensuring the safety and well-being of children.

Application Example: A team of FCC program assessors completes DA Form 5761-3-R to compile a comprehensive report based on their observations during a risk assessment of an FCC home. The report outlines areas where the home excels in safety and identifies potential risks that require corrective actions.

No additional documents are typically needed when completing this form.

Related Form: DA Form 4254-R - Family Child Care Training Record. This form is used to track training records for FCC providers.